ICYMI (Philosophy) Daily Digest report

Boosts between 2024-04-08 06:01:22 and 2024-04-08 18:02:41
Total boosts: 27

7-day rolling daily digests index here.

Section 1. Only posts from the people the bot follows

Category: Most reblogs and favourites

Sunflower Björnskalle 🌻

Communities that mathematicians use. #Mastodon is big.

#math #maths

2024-04-07 19:59:40+00:00 CET

Ingrid Robeyns

morgenavond (dinsdag 9 april) ben ik te gast bij het ScienceCafé in Deventer, om over limitarisme/grenzen aan extreme rijkdom te praten - iedereen welkom! sciencecafedeventer.nl/aankond

2024-04-08 07:54:56+00:00 CET

Marcin Miłkowski

We'll explore the idea that understanding science's human aspects can inform its practice and progress. The seminar will focus on how psychological methods can contribute to this understanding. DM for the link.

2024-04-07 20:08:38+00:00 CET

Nicole des Bouvrie

Still to knit cuffs on the sleeves and pick up and knit a band along the whole front and neck... but really happy with the progress. About one three weeks work so far.

Yarn: 70% cotton, rest alpaca/merino mix Ecopuno Print by Lana Grossa, really lovely to work with.
Pattern: Traveler Shell, by Andrea Mowry

#knitting @knitting

2024-04-08 14:23:07+00:00 CET

Philosophical Psychology

Latest papers: Pablo López-Silva problematizes the phenomenological picture of everyday thoughts that the standard approach adopts when trying to make sense of thought insertion, and provides a broader descriptive phenomenological characterization doi.org/10.1080/09515089.2024. @psychology #philosophy

2024-04-08 13:00:25+00:00 CET

HPLA Journal

📢 New open access reviews at HPLA:

#philosophy @philosophy


2024-04-08 10:47:43+00:00 CET

Lisa Bortolotti

What's happening in the garden? Caterpillar devoured all the food, what will he do next? Ant and Grasshopper cannot find their supply of seeds. How will they explain the mystery? Visit thephilosophygarden.com and find out! #philosophyforeveryone #thephilosophygarden @philosophy @education

2024-04-08 15:30:10+00:00 CET

Category: Most Favourites

Will Buckingham | 白忠修

Reading student #philosophy essays. One student has submitted on Cook Ding in the #Zhuangzi, and calculation using the finger abacus method. They have included an exquisite line saying the finger abacus is, "a language spoken with the touch of the fingertips."

2024-04-08 03:43:47+00:00 CET

Philosophy Blogs

New Work in Philosophy || Susanna Siegel (Harvard University), "The Phenomenal Public"


2024-04-08 10:00:40.407000+00:00 CET

Frodo Podschwadek

Have you ever worried that you'd get caught in an authenticity bubble while scrolling down your social media feed to kill some time? Aren't you even quite sure what authenticity bubbles are and how they relate to boredom in the digital age? No worries, @virtually and me have you covered with our most recent article, just published in Philosophy & Technology:


#Philosophy #Technology #Boredom #Authenticity #Autonomy #SocialMedia #Nudging #Manipulation

2024-04-08 15:59:22+00:00 CET

Category: Most replies

Mathieu Triclot

D'autres accrocs au skyr. Je pense que j'en suis au point où j'ai besoin d'aide.

2024-04-07 19:09:13+00:00 CET

Philosophy Blogs

Daily Nous || Online Philosophy Resources Weekly Update


2024-04-08 10:00:56.316000+00:00 CET

HPLA Journal

📄 Guido Tana, Epistemic Rationality and Epistemic Normativity, written by Bondy, P.


#philosophy @philosophy


2024-04-08 10:48:56+00:00 CET

Section 2. Whole timeline (both people the bot followers and people they boost

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs and favourites

Nowhere Girl

I need liberals to understand that insisting upon the limits of what's politically possible under this system just reinforces people's belief that system is broken, especially when one of the big limits is "what Democrats can be bothered to try."

Nobody is a fan of this system the way you are.

2024-04-07 20:13:44+00:00 CET

Picard Tips

Picard ethics tip: The fact that a conflict has many sides does not imply that every side has merit.

2024-04-07 15:04:32.719000+00:00 CET


Happy "Thatcher is dead" day to all who celebrate

2024-04-08 08:10:38+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs by the group of people the bot follows

Stuart Elden

Canguilhem beyond Epistemology and the History of Science – special issue of Revue Internationale de Philosophie, edited by Federico Testa, No 307, 2024

Contains my piece on "Canguilhem, Dumézil, Hyppolite" as well as pieces by Federico, Giuseppe Bianco, Cristina Chimisso, Maria Mulhe, Samuel Talcott and Charles Wolfe.

@philosophy @intellectualhistory

2024-04-06 07:40:10+00:00 CET

Amy Diehl, Ph.D.

Study (N=163) finds women professors did 75% of internal service work; men 25%. Women viewed it as compliance or an investment; men dodged with evasiveness or used barter. Yet men did 50% of external service work, which was more career-enhancing. kifinfo.no/en/2024/03/women-en

2024-04-08 02:48:16+00:00 CET

h o ʍ l e t t

Elon Musk is elevating the global extreme right
#Musk’s #business, #political, and personal interests are often intertwined. He’s undoubtedly seeking to preserve his own #power and grow his empire, but he’s also looking to move forward the #right-wing project that he vocally advocates on #Twitter and in virtually any interview he gives these days.”

2024-04-08 15:10:11+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most favourites by the group of people the bot follows

Tony the Mechanic

For those interested in or looking to help out a Florida state legislative campaign, this seat for the Florida state legislature is flippable for Democrats and couldn’t come at a more important time for Florida voters to vote Republicans out.

Hillsborough Democrat Pat Kemp to challenge Laurel Lee for Congress:

2024-04-07 22:19:37+00:00 CET

Olivia Guest · Ολίβια Γκεστ

I'm looking back at this paper written 2019 & published 2021 with @andrea How Computational Modeling Can Force Theory Building in Psychological Science (pdf: oliviaguest.com/doc/guest_mart) We presented a positive view and kind, if I do say so myself, compatibilist stance.

In the intervening years, which of course haven't been too many, I've noticed some things have changed, but I'm not sure for the better or in alignment with the spirit of what we asked and hoped for. I'll outline what I see... 1/

2024-04-07 12:39:39+00:00 CET

Michael Kinyon

How to use automated theorem software to prove new theorems:

1) Before you start, think carefully about how to encode the problem in the program you are going to use. For instance, can you replace a high level concept with an equivalent first order formulation so that it will run more efficiently?
2) Type your input file. It's OK to recycle old ones from related projects to save some typing.
3) Run the program. Sometimes these jobs have to run for quite some time, so go do something else for a while, such as getting a beverage of your choice.
4) While you were away, the program found a proof. Enjoy the mutually supportive feelings of discovery and elation.
5) Look at the proof output. In the very last line, the program derived something equivalent to "for all x,y, x=y". But you know there exist nontrivial examples. Suffer from the mutually supportive feelings of loss and despair.
6) Look at the input file.
If there is a typo, fix it and go back to step 3. If there is no typo, but you have misformulated something, go back to step 1.
7) You will never get past step 6.

2024-04-08 14:07:33+00:00 CET