ICYMI (Philosophy) Daily Digest report

Boosts between 2024-03-05 00:01:34 and 2024-03-05 18:03:34
Total boosts: 36

7-day rolling daily digests index here.

Section 1. Only posts from the people the bot follows

Category: Most reblogs and favourites

Preston Werner

As much as I am relieved that much attention has been brought to Israel's siege on Gaza (and Russia's invasion of Ukraine), I am saddened that the deaths of so many other innocent people in war, conflict, and ethnic cleansing, do not make the top of the fold of the newspaper.

The Civil War in Myanmar continues, with the humanitarian situation spiraling out of control, 180,000 people have already died since the war broke out a few years ago: ohchr.org/en/statements-and-sp

Sudan may also be headed toward a partially man-made famine (just as in Gaza), due to the Civil War there: nytimes.com/2024/02/24/world/a

170 people, including women and children, were reported executed by Islamist militias in Burkina Faso: edition.cnn.com/2024/03/04/afr

Back as an undergrad, I remember taking a communications class where the slogan of the teacher was always 'The media can't tell you what to think, but it can tell you what to think *about*'. (Of course now I'd add: What you more frequently think about changes what you think.)

It's a good lesson to keep in mind when directing our political energies.
[Of course followers of this account will know that I am very concerned about what is going on in Gaza! This isn't intended as 'whataboutism'.]

2024-03-04 15:46:50+00:00 CET

Richard Zach

This coming Thursday, March 7, 2024, 3:30pm MST: The Calgary Mathematics and Philosophy lecture will be delivered by David Spivak (Topos Institute): "How Can Math Promote Life?" Hybrid event; abstract and registration at ucalgary.ca/mathphil/

2024-03-04 22:11:15+00:00 CET

Philosophical Psychology

Latest papers: Stefano Vincini takes a sympathetic approach toward Campbell’s relationalism and provides support by means of a naturalistic theory of the individuation of joint-attentional states doi.org/10.1080/09515089.2024. @psychology #philosophy

2024-03-04 22:00:52+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

Here's a Sadler's Lectures podcast episode on an important topic Kant discusses early on in his Prolegomena: what's the relation between that work & his earlier Critique of Pure Reason?

#Kant #Podcast #Critique #Prolegomena #Metaphysics #Critique #Reason

2024-03-04 18:54:36+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

Interesting short essay on some of A.E. Van Vogt's works, his approach, and his background. Read it for the first time today


2024-03-05 01:01:00+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

Not saying I'd simply start shooting myself. But . . after the second time some young wannabe tough guys started talking smack about grabbing our old dog Amica when we were out at night for last outs, I started carrying a spring-loaded baton here when I'd walk her

2024-03-05 01:11:26+00:00 CET

Center for Dewey Studies

“None the less the financial factor in the conduct of the modern university is continually growing in importance, and very serious problems arise in adjusting this factor to strict educational ideals. Money is absolutely indispensable as a means. But it is only a means. The danger lies in the difficulty of making money adequate as a means, and yet keeping it in its place—not permitting it to usurp any of the functions of control which belong only to educational purposes.” — John Dewey, “Academic Freedom” (1902, MW 2: 63)

2024-03-05 02:53:13+00:00 CET

Shawn Standefer

There's been a big update to the SEP article on provability logic


2024-03-04 23:07:03+00:00 CET

Steven French

A classic shot from Caroline Coon’s collection ‘Nothing to Lose: Punk 1970s’ pub by Cafe Royal Books


2024-03-05 08:05:46+00:00 CET

Greg Restall

Clare Carlisle is giving the 2024 Gifford Lectures at St Andrews, from Tuesday March 19. The series is entitled “Transcendence for Beginners: Life Writing and Philosophy”

Further details can be found here: gifford.wp.st-andrews.ac.uk/gi

2024-03-05 09:18:08+00:00 CET

Philosophy Blogs

BSPS || The Function of Biochemical Functions | Francesca Bellazzi


2024-03-05 11:00:59.915000+00:00 CET

Nicole des Bouvrie

You know how a throw/scarf (in this case a hap) slowly grows with each row, and at the end it takes half an hour to knit one row... and then you get to the edge of the pattern, and it has one row of kfb in EACH stitch, and after that another 12 rows of k1p1 in slight variations, before bind-off...

This is going to take some #knitting!

Especially as I made the largest size, even added some rows because I'm afraid it will come out too small to really wrap myself in it... being a XL size person.

2024-03-05 10:40:03+00:00 CET

Amrei Bahr

Freude? Keine Zeit!

Erholung muss auch warten.

Lebensentscheidungen ebenfalls.

Wissenschaft hat Priorität!

Wer dauernd wichtige Dinge aufschiebt, stellt später leider oft fest: Sie lassen sich nicht mehr nachholen.

Mein Plädoyer gegen das Aufschieben von Erfreulichem: Heute in meinem Newsletter! #ArbeitInDerWiss


2024-03-05 11:11:40+00:00 CET

Nicole des Bouvrie

When my oldest turns 4, she is to say goodbye to her toddler-group and go to the real school... and tradition is that they give small gifts to the other children and the teachers.

I am thinking about making each child one of these small donuts. And add a package of raisins or something.

Maybe too much work? One hour per donut...

#knitting @knitting

2024-03-05 15:09:24+00:00 CET

Nicole des Bouvrie


Free pattern by the way, only I'm using DK yarn on 3.5mm needles instead, as my aim is not having super small ones. Although still small enough as small presents.

Ravelry link: ravelry.com/patterns/library/t

2024-03-05 15:14:24+00:00 CET

Sylvia Wenmackers 🦉🍀

For those of you in or near #Leuven, we are organizing our yearly #Philosophy Festival on Saturday 30th of March, with a program in Dutch & English.
I will be having a conversation with writer and naturalist Helen Macdonald. You might know them from 'H is for Hawk' or the recent science fiction novel 'Prophet' (coauthored with Sin Blaché): hiw.kuleuven.be/apps/CMS/feest
Full program and ticket info: hiw.kuleuven.be/apps/CMS/feest
:boost_requested: #FeestVanDeFilosofie #KULeuven

2024-03-05 13:19:46+00:00 CET

Category: Most Favourites

Philipp Steinkrüger

@ehud so much about textualism I guess…

2024-03-04 21:40:16+00:00 CET

John S. Wilkins

Kinds of drivers

As a motorcyclist, I am acutely aware of other road users, and some patterns crop up which I am certain is unique to Melbourne, of models driven by those who have no concern for other road users, and especially not those of a two-wheeled kind. So, after some 40 years' experience, and still being alive, if battered, here are the kinds of drivers to avoid.


2024-03-05 04:35:18+00:00 CET


Sarah Wood is giving (another! Go Sarah!) talk on Mar. 22-23 in Heidelberg for a conference called "Sources of Trust: Navigating the Fragility of Certainty". Her talk will be called "Exploring losses of trust in people with dementia". philevents.org/event/show/1148

2024-03-05 16:26:58+00:00 CET

Category: Most replies

Will Buckingham | 白忠修

Thinking about #writing and #pleasure at the moment, partly because I'm rambling about with my #philosophy students through the #Zhuangzi (which is a total delight). So here's one from the archives.


2024-03-05 01:22:33+00:00 CET

Ingo Schramm

(German politics)


Wir befinden uns ganz offensichtlich in einer Phase feindseliger Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Geheimdiensten und militärischen Verbänden über das Internet, die nicht mehr, wie in all den Jahren seit der Annexion der Krim, heimlich, sondern in aller Öffentlichkeit ausgetragen wird.

Ich persönlich bin jetzt sehr, sehr vorsichtig, was ich glaube und halte es für fatal, jeder Meldung gutgläubig nachzulaufen.

2024-03-05 07:24:01+00:00 CET

Irish Philosophy

Seminar tomorrow, #UCD on #Brigid #EarlyMedievalIreland

UCD Gender History Seminar
Organised by UCD History

4.15pm Wednesday 6 March 2024

K114 Newman Building, UCD

St Brigit and the beginnings of Irish history

2024-03-05 16:45:03+00:00 CET

Section 2. Whole timeline (both people the bot followers and people they boost

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs and favourites

Prof. Sam Lawler

Watch this satellite obliterate the Kuiper Belt object moving through this set of images.

The dumb satellite is so bright that our auto-detect software threw out the whole stack, because it destroyed the average brightness.

It pisses me off to no end that my taxpayer-funded telescope time is now less and less effective because of one for-profit private company.

(P.S. software dudes: please don't try to mansplain workarounds, believe me, a LOT of astronomers are working hard on this)

2024-03-04 19:24:56+00:00 CET


So sieht es aus, wenn ein Auto auf unbeleuchteter Straße (erlaubte 100 km/h) in einen Misthaufen fährt, der dort nachts (!) ohne Markierung deponiert wurde. Mehrere Unfälle, mehrere Verletzte. TV-Interview: "Wir machen so weiter, bis Regierung zurücktritt".

Das sind keine Proteste, Demonstrationen oder Blockaden, das sind lebensgefährliche Anschläge auf Zivilisten zum Durchsetzen politischer Ziele. Wir sollten das hässliche Kind beim Namen nennen: Terrorismus.


2024-03-04 13:15:14+00:00 CET


A reminder to everyone to stay safe and only use basic text editors this month. Beware the IDEs of March

2024-03-04 16:58:46+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs by the group of people the bot follows

Brandi Buchman

I asked Metro Police Dept. Officer Daniel Hodges what he thought of the ruling from SCOTUS today:

"Passing the buck to a Congress already half-filled with seditionists doesn't "turn the national temperature down". The national temperature is torrid, getting worse, and most notably not any business of the Supreme Court."


2024-03-04 23:53:34+00:00 CET

Catarina :mastodon_oops:

"Pedro Nuno Santos" quer incentivar professores aposentados a dar aulas."

Não, só não (a não ser que queiram claro, mas nesse caso porque não incentivar antes mais pessoas a serem professoresm tipo com ordenados decentes)

2024-03-05 09:50:40+00:00 CET

Der Postillon 📯

Weil ihn dann die Polizei in Ruhe lässt: RAF-Terrorist Burkhard Garweg wird Bauer der-postillon.com/2024/03/raf-

2024-03-05 11:54:22+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most favourites by the group of people the bot follows

Fedi Selfcare

It's ok to ask for help.

2024-03-05 01:03:00.273000+00:00 CET

Yogi Jaeger

Dear Publishers. If you want me to decline a request to review in a timely manner, make it 1-click from the email you send me. Any effort (I don't remember my password to your online system) will cause me to not answer you & delay the review, which is annoying for everyone.

2024-03-05 09:39:56+00:00 CET

Crowpleaser Immermehr

Gönnt euch ein paar leckere Snacks. Das ist gut für das Gemüt.

2024-03-05 11:31:18+00:00 CET