ICYMI (Philosophy) Daily Digest report

Boosts between 2024-02-28 00:01:19 and 2024-02-28 18:02:28
Total boosts: 27

7-day rolling daily digests index here.

Section 1. Only posts from the people the bot follows

Category: Most reblogs and favourites

Nino Kadic

Whether you approach it from a left-wing, right-wing, spiritual, or whatever angle, being against academia, higher education, and mistrusting experts is the worst kind of anti-intellectualism that seriously harms society. Full stop.

#academia #academicchatter @academicchatter

2024-02-27 20:33:27+00:00 CET


Auftakt der #dhd2024 mit @christof und @EvelynGius

2024-02-27 17:23:35+00:00 CET

Nicole des Bouvrie

Why are surprise-boxes of yarn with so much discount so tempting? My local yarn store is truly taking advantage of my addiction to yarn...

#knitting is addictive
yarn is also addictive

my whole desk is filled with different skeins I'm getting used to to think about what next project they are trying to become. it's so satisfying and relaxing, somehow.


2024-02-27 20:48:31+00:00 CET

Justin Weinberg / Daily Nous

A summer program for people who teach philosophy aims to equip them to bring into their courses philosophy from traditions or areas underrepresented in mainstream U.S. philosophy. dailynous.com/2024/02/27/learn

2024-02-27 18:22:45+00:00 CET

Nino Kadic

Philosophers should use #Linux out of principle 😎

2024-02-27 23:27:54+00:00 CET

Damon Young

Optus NBN: a technician will arrive at your premises today between 1 pm to 5 pm.

[10.15 am today]

Optus technician: G’DAY BUDDY

2024-02-28 00:53:50+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

I'm from a big family, so I also had some "uncles" who served the same purpose

2024-02-27 23:54:56+00:00 CET

Christian Schröter, geb. Vater

2024-02-28 08:52:49+00:00 CET

Lisa Bortolotti

Soon! A workshop on conspiracy beliefs and delusions at the University of Birmingham emasullivan-bissett.com/worksh with a chance to play a new game called Fake Plots! #philosophy @philosophy I will be arguing against pathologising conspiracy beliefs

2024-02-28 09:30:11+00:00 CET

Christian Schröter, geb. Vater

2024-02-28 13:04:30+00:00 CET


The thing about procrastination is that it is tiring. After doing it for a while I just have to take a nap.

2024-02-28 09:53:23+00:00 CET

Category: Most Favourites

Philosophy Blogs

Alexander Pruss's Blog || Incommensurability in rational choice


2024-02-28 03:00:46.176000+00:00 CET

CJ Stevens - Metaphysiology

Whenever two or more incompatible worldviews (#cultures, #paradigms, etc.) come into contact, the intelligent approach is to communicate, deliberate, and reconstruct them together through a forward facing process of mutual #education Incommensurabilities are merely puzzles to solve.


2024-02-28 10:31:31+00:00 CET

Category: Most replies

Janet D. Stemwedel

“Both of them were equally determined to make sure that trans people did not become the focus of this story.” jude-doyle.ghost.io/i-dont-car

2024-02-28 04:33:52+00:00 CET

Dominik Dammer

1) indie studio created
2) indie studio bought
3) hire workers
4) indie studio closed / merged
5) layoff workers
x) indie studio created

2024-02-28 10:26:53+00:00 CET

Section 2. Whole timeline (both people the bot followers and people they boost

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs and favourites


Hi, I'm new here so I might as well introduce myself ☺️! I'm Bleu and I have a soft spot for pixel art landscapes 🏞️.

#pixelart #landscape

2024-02-27 17:10:41+00:00 CET

Molly White

super cool that all these companies have decided to make customers opt OUT of having their data sold for AI training purposes

"but no one would do it if it was opt-in!"


2024-02-27 22:28:41+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs by the group of people the bot follows

Petra, softness element cutie

@docpop ooh

There's an ancient Roman word square like that from Pompeii that goes


2024-02-27 23:28:35+00:00 CET

Helen Czerski

University College London shoutout! UCL is unwilling to set up a Mastodon account now, but they say that if there's lots of UCL presence here already it will nudge them in this direction. If you're at UCL or know someone who is, and you're on here, please reply to this to let us know! Current chief plotters: @sellathechemist , me and maybe more)

#UCL #Mastodon #Universities

2024-02-28 11:39:49+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most favourites by the group of people the bot follows

Yohan John 🤖🧠

I can't be the only neuroscientist who thinks of this every time they see the word 'brainstem'.



2024-02-27 20:34:07+00:00 CET


Habt Ihr uns schon an unserem gemeinsamen Stand der geistes- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Konsortien der @NFDI auf der @DHdKonferenz besucht?

Wir haben auch ein besonderes Schmankerl für Euch und eine Übersicht über alle Beiträge unserer Konsortien auf der DHd2024 zusammen gestellt.

Ihr findet uns noch bis Freitag im WIWI Gebäude - kommt vorbei, wir freuen uns auf Euch!

@nfdi4culture @nfdi4objects @Textplus

#NFDI #NFDIrocks #dhd2024 #textplus #NFDI4Objects #NFDI4Culture #NFDI4Memory

2024-02-28 12:34:18+00:00 CET