ICYMI (Philosophy) Daily Digest report

Boosts between 2024-02-25 00:01:25 and 2024-02-25 18:03:24
Total boosts: 33

7-day rolling daily digests index here.

Section 1. Only posts from the people the bot follows

Category: Most reblogs and favourites

Philosophical Psychology

Latest papers: Jonny Lee & Becky Millar explore challenges to the compatibility of mechanism and sensorimotor enactivism and examine possible solutions doi.org/10.1080/09515089.2024. @philosophy #philosophy

2024-02-24 23:00:12+00:00 CET

Domingos Faria

📌 AntĂłnio DamĂĄsio: «HĂĄ a substituição da educação, do tempo pessoal e de reflexĂŁo, pela diversĂŁo e entretenimento»: dn.pt/7465215308/antonio-damas social.dfaria.eu/?hashtag=2024

2024-02-24 20:38:03+00:00 CET


Extreme police violence against thousands of anti-government, pro-ceasefire protesters in Tel Aviv.

2024-02-24 19:25:17+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

Before law school, Crystal Clanton lived for a year with Clarence and Ginni Thomas. Whatever else is off about Clanton (and there is evidence of more), that connection makes it unethical for C. Thomas to have hired her as a Supreme Court clerk. That is a position of public trust and just the appearance of awarding the post on the basis of a personal relationship is ethically inappropriate. Reporting on the situation: vanityfair.com/news/clarence-t #LawFedi #JudicialEthics

2024-02-25 01:08:23+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

The more I think about this, the more I think that it shows how thoroughly unethical #ClarenceThomas is, precisely because hiring a clerk with whom he has a prior personal relationship is, for Thomas, a comparatively minor ethical wrong. But it shows how pervasively corrupt he is. His moral sense can never be trusted. This makes him unfit to be a judge let alone a Supreme Court Justice.#LawFedi #JudicialEthics

2024-02-25 02:15:40+00:00 CET

Ingo Schramm

(German politics)

Dass vor allem so viele #GrĂŒne Ziel von Angriffen werden, das bedeutet doch, dass es gegen die ganz besonders an zivilisierten Gegenargumenten fehlt, oder?


2024-02-24 15:53:19+00:00 CET

clint verdonschot

Vandaag sta ik stil bij de dappere arbeiders die in verzet kwamen tegen de bezetter, en die nooit zijn opgehouden zich uit te spreken tegen genocidale haat. Opdat wij allemaal zo moedig worden. 23/23

2024-02-25 04:23:19+00:00 CET

Grumpy Philosopher

The Conservatives haven‘t sacked Lee Anderson because he‘s a bigot - they‘ve always known he‘s a bigot, being a bigot is 90% of his identity and he‘s never hidden his odious views. No, the Conservatives have removed the whip because he‘s embarrassed them. bbc.com/news/uk-politics-68392 #ukpolitics

2024-02-25 09:07:54+00:00 CET

Ingo Schramm

(German politics)

Hat #BSW außer einem Sieg Russlands ĂŒber die Ukraine und der Zerschlagung der #EU, um Europa #Putin auszuliefern, eigentlich noch andere Ziele?

Ach ja, russisches Gas kaufen.

Also wenn die #noAfD die Stimme des deutschen #Faschismus im Bundestag ist, dann ist BSW die Stimme des russischen Faschismus?

2024-02-25 09:29:55+00:00 CET

Domingos Faria

2024-02-25 07:01:02+00:00 CET

Philosophy Blogs

2024-02-25 07:00:38.412000+00:00 CET

Scott Shapiro

Did a very deep dive into the numbers

2024-02-25 12:37:52+00:00 CET

Steven French

Cold oak trees

2024-02-25 15:57:39+00:00 CET

Manolo MartĂ­nez

My paper 'The Information-Processing Perspective on Categorization' is now out #openaccess :OpenAccess: in Cognitive Science. I go through how prototype-based and exemplar-based categorization (and what philosophers sometimes call "atomic" concepts) can in fact be understood as different manifestations of the same rate-distortion optimization process. It comes with a jupyter notebook, so that you folks can tinker with it if you feel like it @cogsci

2024-02-25 12:06:53+00:00 CET

Category: Most Favourites

Dr Robert N. Winter

Of late, I have been in a lot of conversations about governance. Conversations which, like the title of a Clint Eastwood western, could be described as the good, the bad, and the ugly.

#Governance #Management #CapabilityDevelopment


2024-02-25 06:32:19+00:00 CET

Lee Watkins

The transition from sense-certainty to perception is an important one when you’re trying to understand Hegel, because so much of Hegel’s philosophy revolves around his suspicion of any concept of “immediate knowledge.” All your knowledge is mediated not just through the ideas already present in your mind, but also through the customs and habits of the culture to which you belong, the specifics of the education you’ve had, your relationships...


#hegel #philosophy #mind

2024-02-25 12:46:34+00:00 CET

Category: Most replies

clint verdonschot

Het is belangrijk om te onthouden dat de staking het initiatief was van communisten die, geheel in lijn met hun politieke overtuigingen, in opstand kwamen voor hun Joodse kameraden. Al te vaak wordt namelijk 'vergeten' welke filosofie ten grondslag lag aan de staking. 2/23

2024-02-25 04:18:13+00:00 CET

Domingos Faria

📌 #PODCAST A PrĂłxima Vaga: «NĂłs, professores, temos de ter cuidado para que os alunos nĂŁo dependam sĂł do chatGPT, mas nos digam como estĂŁo a usĂĄ-lo»: expresso.pt/podcasts/a-proxima social.dfaria.eu/?hashtag=2024

2024-02-25 12:34:02+00:00 CET

Section 2. Whole timeline (both people the bot followers and people they boost

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs and favourites

Female-presenting nipples

This is peak goblin energy. I wanna do it with a malt vinegar bottle

2024-02-24 15:06:54+00:00 CET

Emeritus Prof Christopher May

Defend our #libraries

(from @tomgauld)


2024-02-10 09:30:55+00:00 CET

Bakt El Raalis

Pour vous Mastonautes, 50 secondes de #murmuration à Sassari, en Sardaigne ✹


2024-02-07 22:26:24+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs by the group of people the bot follows


Fuck Pythagoras (c. 570 BC- c. 495 BC)

2024-02-24 17:00:04.137000+00:00 CET

David Ho


2024-02-25 05:11:28+00:00 CET

Olivia Guest · ÎŸÎ»ÎŻÎČÎčα ΓÎșΔστ

Marie Neurath is amazing, and her book on cognitive science for kids is wonderful: Machines which Seem to Think (1954). H/t @Iris youtu.be/XBWhdcD0r9I for this video about her. Book available for free online: fulltable.com/iso/mw.htm

2024-02-25 14:29:24+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most favourites by the group of people the bot follows

Itamar Turner-Trauring

I've been getting ads from IBM for modernizing COBOL codebases with AI and now I'm concerned all the money in my bank is going to disappear.

2024-02-24 13:27:29+00:00 CET

Nicole Rust

Here's a bit that will break your heart:

Over the last few
years, the number of psychological journals that prefer to publish short, hard-hitting
research reports instead of long, ponderous treatises has increased considerably. And
everyone wants to publish in those new journals. The aim is no longer to publish a grand
theoretical model that takes dozens of pages to explain, but to show an intriguing effect
that takes everyone by surprise. The shorter and more amazing, the better. ... I wanted to emulate my heroes, for whom it seemed to be child’s play to sum up
humanity in clever one-liners such as “Altruism doesn’t exist,” “Human behavior is 94.6%
automatic,” ... I’d never found anything that even remotely resembled these amazing discoveries. .... Reality was fickle, and that was exhausting.

A few weeks ago I was in the newspaper—in fact, I was in all the newspapers. I had
published a study that showed that messy streets lead to greater intolerance. In a messy
environment, people are more likely to resort to stereotypes of others because trash makes
you want to clean it up, and the use of stereotypes lets you feel as though you’re cleaning
things up. .... The publication of this study in Science—the most prestigious journal of them all—
caused a sensation, and made headlines around the world. The coolest aspect of the study was the way in which it combined careful laboratory
research with field studies that people could relate to. ... It was a clever, simple, logical, and obvious idea, but the empirical
tests were completely imaginary. The lab research hadn’t been carried out. The field
studies never happened.



2024-02-24 21:57:00+00:00 CET