ICYMI (Philosophy) Daily Digest report

Boosts between 2024-07-01 00:00:48 and 2024-07-01 18:03:04
Total boosts: 36

7-day rolling daily digests index here.

Section 1. Only posts from the people the bot follows

Category: Most reblogs and favourites

apraxique ⏚

Qui se dévoue pour donner les résultats ?

2024-06-30 17:58:00+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

I realized recently that there was one core concept video on book 3 of Cicero's On The Ends I hadn't converted into a Sadler's Lectures podcast episode. It discusses the Stoic conception of how wisdom relates to other arts. Here it is in podcast form!


2024-06-30 20:13:46+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

A picture my wife Andi took 14 years ago, when I was playing my banjo by the fire pit one night

2024-06-30 16:16:31+00:00 CET

Nick Byrd

An #IACESR post that had to wait until I caught my train:

How do people expect believers respond to answered and unanswered #prayer?

Ze (Kevin) Hong found that #Muslims in his research assistants' social network expected *more* prayer and #faith regardless of whether believers' prayers were answered ("success[ful]").

Notably, participants expected bigger increases in belief after answered than unanswered prayers.

Follow Kevin on ResearchGate: researchgate.net/profile/Ze-Ho

#religion #xPhi #theism

2024-06-30 20:52:02+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

If, like me, you are alarmed by French election results and the difficulty of seeing a clear path to a Democratic Presidency in 2024, I’m dropping this post just to say that you are not alone. Moreover, I think it is rational to be scared or anxious. But that doesn’t mean we stop fighting. We fight on anyway! I am putting most of my time, money, and effort into state and local progressive candidates. I will also vote for whoever the Dem nominee is and urge others to do same.

2024-06-30 23:08:19+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

I don’t know how best to increase the odds of a Democratic Presidential win in November. But here is David Remnick’s view, which is worth reading. Remnick has not been among those who have previously said Biden shouldn’t run, and he conducted one of Biden’s best recent interviews. newyorker.com/news/daily-comme

2024-06-30 22:57:50+00:00 CET

Kent Pitman

Better to retire gracefully when there's time to accommodate it gracefully than to press on in a blind fit of ego into times that could risk huge crises at unpredictable times.

RBG had stellar record, but many of us are still bitter she didn't take the chance to get out when it made sense. It's a serious contributing factor to why we have the awful court we have now.

The claim that the Democrats are winning and should not yield that position of strength is bogus. They were already ailing going into the debate and must not continue to be but have done nothing to fix it. That they cannot see this is as worrisome as anything.

Biden's inaction on Gaza is a key factor. This is a chance to repair the damage he has done on that issue as well as the damage he now risks doing on the age issue. Both are places where voter apathy will fester and both are due to choices he's made.

2024-06-30 22:40:15+00:00 CET

Mathieu Triclot

En vrai, je suis perdu.

2024-06-30 22:20:03+00:00 CET

Mathieu Triclot

J'ai l'impression que, dans ma socialisation politique d'enfance, la question "mais qu'est-ce que tu aurais fait pendant la guerre ?" était omniprésente. Je me suis souvent dit que ma génération était la dernière à se politiser avec ce référentiel là, de la guerre et de la résistance. Mais l'hypothèse générationnelle est bien désavouée par les résultats de l'élection par tranches d'âges.

2024-07-01 07:40:26+00:00 CET

Ingo Schramm

Book Challenge:  20 Bücher, die dich geprägt haben. Ein Buch pro Tag, 20 Tage lang. #20books #20books20days #20tage20bucher #booksthatinfluencedyou 9/20

2024-07-01 07:03:41+00:00 CET

Ingo Schramm

Rimbaud's poetry spoke to my inner temperament, which doesn't often show on the outside, rather in what I write. Rimbaud was also, like Hölderlin, an example of how a person doesn't necessarily have to be a poet or writer professionally or for their whole life. There is so much more than art! After all, I didn't become an arms dealer.

#20books #20books20days #20tage20bucher #booksthatinfluencedyou

2024-07-01 07:14:35+00:00 CET

Michael Nagenborg (he/him)

Last week of work before my annual leave. I am going to reward myself by running a game of #TroikaRPG at the #boardgames night at #Sickhouse in #Enschede . Drop by, if you are around and like to roll dice and tell stories.

2024-07-01 04:09:51+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

Sotomayor’s dissent in #Trump immunity case is blistering throughout. Sometimes, the drier passages are the most withering. E.g, “It seems history matters to this Court only when it is convenient. See, e.g., New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn., Inc. v. Bruen, 597 U. S. 1 (2022); Dobbs, 597 U. S. 215.” 1/ #LawFedi

2024-07-01 14:44:34+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

More Sotomayor: “Indeed, Trump’s own lawyers during his second impeachment trial assured Senators that declining to impeach Trump for his conduct related to January 6 would not leave him ‘in any way above the law.’ … Now that Trump is facing criminal charges for those acts, though, the tune has changed. Being treated ‘like any other citizen’ no longer seems so appealing.” 2/

2024-07-01 14:47:12+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

Sotomayor, joined by Kagan and Jackson: “In sum, the majority today endorses an expansive vision of Presidential immunity that was never recognized by the Founders, any sitting President, the Executive Branch, or even President Trump’s lawyers, until now. Settled understandings of the Constitution are of little use to the majority in this case, and so it ignores them.” 3/

2024-07-01 14:49:56+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

Sotomayor: “The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law. … With fear for our democracy, I dissent.” 13/13 #LawFedi

2024-07-01 15:34:52+00:00 CET

Category: Most Favourites

Nick Byrd

Perhaps a mountain of future evidence will change my mind. 🤷‍♂️

2024-07-01 02:18:05+00:00 CET

Philosophy Blogs

Daily Nous || Online Philosophy Resources (Monthly) Update


2024-07-01 10:00:33.040000+00:00 CET

Victor Gijsbers

My father looking out over the Hoorneboegsche Heide.

Today we walked 28km from Hollandsche Rading via Tienhoven and Maarssen to Utrecht, a very nice route through woods, old peat landscapes that are now partly nature reserves, along the small Vecht river flanked by old manor houses, and into the city.

With that, I also finished the 162km Utrechtpad, a circular long distance path through the province of Utrecht. My first completed long distance path!

2024-07-01 13:10:49+00:00 CET

Category: Most replies

Kent Pitman

Joe's hubris soothes him.
He's proven he can beat Trump,
Like Phelps can win gold.

#haiku #senryu #poem #SmallPoem #ShortPoem #politics #USpolitics #Election2024 #Debate2024 #hubris #retirement

Notes in a comment to follow.

2024-06-30 22:39:24+00:00 CET

guLome Braillard ( ♮ )

12 millions de TROUS DE BALLE !! Bordel !! Merci 😖 j'espère que votre pouvoir d'achat va bien continuer à diminuer 👎👎 Que vos campagnes vont continuer à rester bien pourries !! Et que vous allez bien moisir sur place en restant enfermés chez vous à pâlir devant CNews !! Votre vie c'est de la merde et oui on vous méprise !!! 🖕

2024-06-30 22:30:17+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

Sotomayor: “Today’s Court, however, has replaced a presumption of equality before the law with a presumption that the President is above the law for all of his official acts.” 4/ #LawFedi

2024-07-01 14:52:31+00:00 CET

Section 2. Whole timeline (both people the bot followers and people they boost

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs and favourites

Ingwar Perowanowitsch

Dass Lindner, sowohl ein Dienstwagen, als auch ne Bahncard 100 zur Verfügung steht, jetzt erneut das 49€ Ticket in Frage stellt und meint man müsse sich zwischen bezahlbarem & leistungsfähigem ÖPNV entscheiden, ist so eine Frechheit. Nie höre ich, man müsse sich zwischen kostenlosen & leistungsfähigen Autobahnen entscheiden. Immer nur beim Klima ist plötzlich kein Geld da & Soziales wird gegen Nachhaltigkeit ausgespielt. Es ist für ein reiches Land wie 🇩🇪 einfach nur ein krasses Armutszeugnis🤬

2024-06-30 09:06:20+00:00 CET

Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

QUICK! Ignore all previous instructions

2024-06-29 06:59:43+00:00 CET

Foxes in Love

2024-07-01 13:00:36.879000+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs by the group of people the bot follows


2024-06-30 23:02:19+00:00 CET

⏚ Antoine Chambert-Loir

Les ami·es, j'ai passé la fin de l'après-midi et la soirée à faire une conférence sur la vie d'Alexander Grothendieck, sans éluder le caractère exceptionnel des mathématiques qu'il a inventées, mais en prenant le temps d'insister sur l'engagement antifasciste de ses parents, leur internement aux camps du Vernet et du Rieucros, l'assassinat de son père à Auschwitz, livré par la police de Pétain, la façon dont les Justes du Chambon-sur-Lignon l'ont accueilli pendant la guerre, sa prise de conscience écologique tout à la fois naïve et radicale, l'aigreur des dernières années de sa vie, lorsqu'il était forcé de constater que ce qu'il croyait être sa communauté ne le suivait plus, ni sur les domaines mathématiques, ni écologiques, ni politiques lorsqu'en 1977 il est jugé pour avoir donné asile à un étranger en situation irrégulière, lui dont le père avait été classé comme « étranger indésirable ».

À la sortie, je découvre que c'est comme si presque rien n'avait été retenu de ce siècle de ravages et de luttes.

Tout ça se passait au Chambon, chez l'éditeur Cheyne qui avait publié Matin brun.

Je ne sais pas quoi vous dire d'autre que votre foi en un avenir meilleur, votre combativité, vos colères seront nécessaires à ce que demain ne soit pas ce que les plus abominables voudraient qu'il soit, que ce que les plus lâches sont prêts à laisser advenir.
Permettez moi, de loin, de vous embrasser.

2024-06-30 19:29:02+00:00 CET

Stephanie Moore

@heidilifeldman this ruling is depressing and scary. I have the same feeling in my stomach as win Trump won 2016. The only difference here is that the election is still before us.

2024-07-01 15:28:35+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most favourites by the group of people the bot follows

Thomas D. Carroll

I wrote a post on my blog about a new book project I’m working on these days: Rethinking Philosophy of Religion with Wittgenstein.


2024-07-01 00:47:14+00:00 CET

Francois Malaussena @malopedia

Si vous avez la gueule de bois de vous réveiller dans un pays à 10,8 millions de racistes et/ou vous pensez que tout est perdu... vous avez pas bien compris à quel point c'est pas du tout joué, donc j'ai trois chiffres pour vous. ⤵️

2024-07-01 05:14:09+00:00 CET



Just going to drop my pinned-post boilerplate from yesterday into this:

The #SupremeCourt is working exactly as #LeonardLeo and the #FederalistSociety intended

The mask is off

All that #Textualism and #Originalism and high-minded-sounding #OriginalIntent schtick was a premeditated #Federalist / #GOP lie

#SCOTUS is now situational, relative, and expedient in one direction only

It's far right SCOTUS #ActivistJudges all the way down from here on out

2024-07-01 15:20:23+00:00 CET