ICYMI (Philosophy) Daily Digest report

Boosts between 2024-06-29 00:00:50 and 2024-06-29 18:01:39
Total boosts: 36

7-day rolling daily digests index here.

Section 1. Only posts from the people the bot follows

Category: Most reblogs and favourites

Kent Pitman

Creeping strangler vine,
Wasting stealth skills on plant friends.
Men* are your true threat.

#haiku #senryu #poem #SmallPoem #ShortPoem #environnent #sustainability #weeds #gardening #collapse #extinction

* Normally I prefer gender-neutral pronouns in these situations, but haiku favors brevity. Also, it IS probably disproportionately MEN insisting on doing environmental damage for sake of quick profit, so maybe it's best for me to take a moment, now and then, to acknowledge and own a bit of that.

2024-06-28 19:45:12+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

Here's the next Sadler's Lectures podcast on Nishitani's The Self-Overcoming Of Nihilism. This one looks at chapter 9, where he argues that one way to deal with the crisis of nihilism is reappropriation of tradition

#Podcast #Nishitani #Philosophy #Japan #Nihilism #Tradition #Buddhism #Confucianism

2024-06-28 21:13:24+00:00 CET

Nick Byrd

#Atheism and #parenting — discuss!

Dr. Anna Strhan (scholar.google.com/citations?h) & Dr. Lois Lee (scholar.google.com/citations?u) shared rousing quotes from both #children and their #parents in #England who thought aloud about parenting, religion (e.g., #God, #Jesus, etc.) and #myth (e.g., #Santa, #toothFairy).


#autonomy: kids and parents were against indoctrination

#humanism: kids and parents contrasted #science/#logic and #religion

#myth: they still appealed to non-religious kids, parents

2024-06-28 11:12:27+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

Coming up tomorrow Noon Central, in Classic Metal Class, Scott and I take another look at what criteria we can have for saying an album by a band is their "best". We're using 5 L.A. bands as examples. Zoom link for the session available in class site reasonio.teachable.com/p/class

2024-06-28 22:49:23+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

I think this is from the calendar year I taught 15 classes at 4 institutions (MIAD, Marquette, MATC, and Carthage College. That was the most I ever did in a year, though I did have one semester early in my career where I taught 8 classes for 3 different institutions.

2024-06-28 13:27:49+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

Later today (Noon Central/ 1 PM Eastern), I'll be going on the Acid Horizon podcast/show to chat about philosophy, the emotion of grief, and what Stoics made of it
Streaming here on YouTube youtube.com/live/-rd5K9cLK6E
And on Twitch t.co/1e4SdWVCQk
#Philosophy #Event #Grief #Stoicism #Memory #Sadness #Loss #Emotion #Ethics

2024-06-28 12:44:33+00:00 CET

Udo Schuklenk

2024-06-29 01:32:05+00:00 CET

Nick Byrd

Many think #science isn't #religious, but may it be #spiritual?

Jesse L. Preston et al. developed a #Spirituality of Science (SoS) scale in 3 studies (doi.org/10.1177/01461672231191).

And experimentally showing students inspirational quotes from science figures like Carl Sagan (vs. non-science figures?) made people see "the typical scientist" as more competent, moral, trustworthy, and *spiritual*.

Follow Dr. Preston for alerts of their forthcoming results: researchgate.net/profile/Jesse

#xPhi #psychology

2024-06-29 08:50:36+00:00 CET

Nick Byrd

On to my second #Oxford conference:

The 8th Biennial Meeting of the International Association for the Cognitive (and Evolutionary) #Science of #religion (#IACESR, formerly #IACSR)


#Spirituality seems like one of the themes of this year's meeting.

Note: my presentation (top post) began with what I presented in 2018.

(Feels appropriate that my route to the venue takes me down Divinity Road)

#psychology #neuroscience #anthropology #philosophy #sociology #socialScience

2024-06-29 08:04:26+00:00 CET

Ingo Schramm

Book Challenge:  20 Bücher, die dich geprägt haben. Ein Buch pro Tag, 20 Tage lang. Keine Erklärungen, keine Bewertungen, nur Buchcover. #20books #20books20days #20tage20bucher #booksthatinfluencedyou 7/20

2024-06-29 06:31:49+00:00 CET

Nick Byrd

In the #Religiosity and #Thinking session, I'm sharing different aspects of the new #data I presented Wednesday (at #AtheismExplained, see top post in thread):

In addition to the aforementioned findings, we found that #spirituality correlated with #reflection test performance less reliably than #religiosity (and #apostasy) did: nerdculture.de/@ByrdNick/11268

On Wednesday, I posted 2 of the other 3 talks in today's session (Omid's and Nori's). So below I'll post only about the new one by Meara Geraty.

2024-06-29 09:04:37+00:00 CET

Nick Byrd

#Rituals are often handed down, allowing them to change slightly over generations.

How might people's prior beliefs (e.g., in #God) impact the rituals they learn/inherit?

Sarah E. Wright reported results of an iterative ritual learning experiment (N = 72).

Self reported religious belief improved transmission of the verbal content of the transmission (regardless of whether one was told whether the #ritual worked).

Sarah's on #LinkedIn (linkedin.com/in/sarah-wright-7) and TwiX (@sazzum95)


2024-06-29 13:57:27+00:00 CET

Nick Byrd

There's growing evidence that #ritual is not necessarily #religious — we incorporate ritual into many aspects of life, including non-religious aspects.

So ritual may be more of a tool/#technology than a religious activity.

So how do people think about rituals across cultures?

Dr. Chris Kavanagh shared data from WEIRD and non-WEIRD countries finding cultural similarities and differences.

You can follow Chris on ResearchGate: researchgate.net/profile/Chris

#religion #culture #socialScience #habit

2024-06-29 13:36:08+00:00 CET

Kent Pitman

Evil storm supreme...
Power courts clouded judgment.
Injustices reign.

#haiku #senryu #poem #ShortPoem #SmallPoem #SCOTUS #justice #injustice #metaphor #politics #shameless #PowerGrab #ethics

2024-06-29 12:15:35+00:00 CET

Kathrine Cuccuru

Morning walk

2024-06-29 10:28:38+00:00 CET

Category: Most Favourites

Domingos Faria

2024-06-28 16:41:03+00:00 CET

Domingos Faria

Novo evento na #FLUP: Doutoramento em História_sessão de esclarecimento para candidatos sigarra.up.pt/flup/noticias_ge social.dfaria.eu/?hashtag=2024

2024-06-29 07:01:03+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

Just went in and updated this page in my Substack providing links to all my resource posts. Each of those posts in turn provides organized links to sets of resources. Everything from videos & podcast episodes on texts to my interviews & guest appearances


2024-06-29 14:35:35+00:00 CET

Category: Most replies

clint verdonschot

TIL two-dollar bills exist (like seriously, why did this escape my attention? I'm not American, but still..)


2024-06-28 23:43:04+00:00 CET

Domingos Faria

2024-06-29 08:29:02+00:00 CET

Nick Byrd

Does #religion/#spirituality actually predict #wellbeing?

Meara Geraty used data from 54 countries to find that in most countries, religion's/spirituality's relationship with well-being is fully mediated by (confounded with) #MeaningInLife, the more reliable predictor of well-being.

Replicating past work, the relationship with well-being seemed to depend on (among other things) #culture and #economics.

Follow Meara on LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/meara-geraty/l

#psychology #stats #bigData #xPhi #ethics

2024-06-29 10:28:54+00:00 CET

Section 2. Whole timeline (both people the bot followers and people they boost

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs and favourites

Ernie Smith

The irony is not lost on me that the Internet Archive went out of its way to acquire the physical versions of millions of books and loan them out carefully and in a limited way, and is facing a near-extinction-level event over it, while for-profit and VC-backed companies are just stealing people’s content and making up excuses to validate the bad behavior.

2024-06-28 20:45:41+00:00 CET

ShyGal :blob_black_block:​

Piqué sans honte à quelqu'un qui n'avait pas mis de alt

2024-06-28 19:05:21+00:00 CET


Have you ever browsed the website of another Fediverse server, and it tells you to log in again even if you're already logged in? Or asked you to give your server name?

You can avoid fuss by doing the following:

1. Log in on your own server's website or your app
2. Copy the web address of the post or profile from the other server's site
3. Paste the address into the search box on your own server or app. This will make the other server's post or profile appear within your own server.


2024-06-29 14:05:16+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs by the group of people the bot follows

:fire: 𝐤𝐢𝐟𝐟 :fire:

Lista do último tema do #QuartaCapa finalmente atualizada. Eu saio querendo ler tudo ao mesmo tempo, meu deus kkkk


2024-06-28 18:08:24+00:00 CET

Fesshole 🧻

Sat in the vets for over 30 minutes only to realise I'd left the dog at home when they called us in.

2024-06-28 18:25:02+00:00 CET

Andrew Nuckols

@heidilifeldman @joeinwynnewood Did a batch of postcards for Field Team 6. The steps: After you register to get addresses, pick a campaign, then pick how many addresses you want. You get a script to write on the cards (my campaign had multiple to choose from). Handwrite the address and script on each postcard, affix stamp and mail when done! This org is partisan -- so if you like the idea of tons of postcards circulating with the words "convicted felon Donald Trump" on them -- it's a good fit!

2024-06-29 05:19:31+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most favourites by the group of people the bot follows

Charmandinho :charmanderHappy:

Playlist da #MusiQuinta 10 - #Arraiá

Nosso #Arraiá foi pequenininho, mas foi animado. E olha essa capa MARAVILHOSA feita por @kiff também né, coisa linda. Agradeço sempre 🙏 .

Playlist no ar com muito forró! São João na Terra apareceu 2x na nossa hashtag, assim como Pagode Russo. Luiz Gonzaga nem precisava recontar porque é o Rei do Baião: apareceu 4x. Outras repetições foram Mastruz com Leite (3x), Alceu Valença e Assisão (2x cada). Troféu artista obrigatório para Gal Costa, presente em simplesmente todas as semanas da #MusiQuinta até aqui (carece de fontes e dados). Já pensasse?


2024-06-28 16:53:02+00:00 CET

Hadas Weiss

when i'm asked about basic concepts in my area of expertise

2024-06-29 06:47:18+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

Here's a short excerpt from a lecture on Hegel's Master-Slave dialectic I gave years back in an Intro To Philosophy class. We started exploring the three conditions that transform the consciousness of the slave, the first being fear for one's own existence

2024-06-29 13:18:26+00:00 CET