ICYMI (Philosophy) Daily Digest report

Boosts between 2024-06-25 00:00:57 and 2024-06-25 18:02:01
Total boosts: 36

7-day rolling daily digests index here.

Section 1. Only posts from the people the bot follows

Category: Most reblogs and favourites

Sylvia Wenmackers 🦉🍀

Suppose you proposed to do a reading group on SciSci (science of science) classics, with researchers in AI, but they misread and thought you meant SciFi... Which science fiction classic would you propose to read with people who are interested in science & computers?
Bonus points if the story is very short (say, up to 10 pages) and if it is available online. Philosophical relevance would be nice.
We're checking our home library, will post what we find.

2024-06-24 18:34:33+00:00 CET

Anthony Dardis

2024-06-24 19:13:35+00:00 CET

Anthony Dardis

2024-06-24 19:12:29+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

Aileen Cannon is an embarrassment. She doesn’t even try to go through the motions of being a judge, instead using her position to grandstand, to showcase her political views.

As I told my students at the end of term: a big challenge for rule of law is how lawyers committed to it should interact with judges and other attorneys who clearly are not. #LawFedi

2024-06-25 00:43:28+00:00 CET

Roberta Millstein 🌎🌱🐩🏊🏼‍♀

Looking forward to my presentation at @NACCB2024 #NACCB2024 ! I give a brief overview of how my forthcoming book, The Land Is Our Community, can help resolve a longstanding debate in conservation biology over ecocentrism.

#ecology #ConservationBiology #EnvironmentalEthics #philbio

2024-06-25 03:18:11+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

This Saturday in Classic Metal Class, Scott & I are considering the question again what makes "best" albums of a band the best? We're focusing on L.A. bands. If you think one of these DLR-era Van Halen albums is "the best", which is it? And more importantly, WHY do you think so?

2024-06-24 21:27:11+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

To celebrate passing the 150,000 subscribers mark (after 13 years of producing videos) in my main channel, I've decided to host a little online party. I'll be live-streaming, enjoying some NA beers, and chatting with viewers about philosophy this Sunday!


2024-06-24 20:25:44+00:00 CET

Amrei Bahr

Dass wir das noch erleben dürfen:
#HRK macht echte Anstalten, unbefristete wissenschaftliche Stellen NEBEN der Professur zu etablieren! Schöner Anlass für 1 gemeinsamen Text mit @DrKEichhorn @SebastianK. Denn: Es bleiben Fragen offen. Mehr in #ArbeitInDerWissenschaft!



2024-06-25 07:11:37+00:00 CET

Philipp Steinkrüger

Viele wichtige und gute Punkte in der Leitlinie der HRK. Aber wieso soll auf Teufel komm raus diesen Stellenprofilen der Professorentitel vorenthalten werden? Die machen selbstständige Forschung und lehren an Universitäten. Beim Researcher ist es besonders auffällig, aber es gilt für alle drei Profile.


#wisszeitvg #ichbinhanna

2024-06-25 08:42:29+00:00 CET

Ingo Schramm

Wonder if what some call “hallucinations” in #AI is an instance of non-identity according to #Adorno.

It is not only essential to generative AI, it is essential to language and concepts themselves. Systems that are language-only do have neither a sense of their potential to be wrong nor an ability to correct their wrong concepts via acting, as there are no acts at all, which need autonomy at least.

Language alone may not be the domain of right and wrong.

#nature #ethics #philosophy

2024-06-25 05:23:06+00:00 CET

Victor Gijsbers

Thank you, @poetaster, @SJohnRoss and @vcaston, for liking this perfect toot and keeping my faith in the fediverse alive. 🤡

2024-06-25 07:57:20+00:00 CET

Shawn Standefer

The website for the next AWPL, in Feb 2025 in Kolkata, is up. Submission deadline is Aug 15.


2024-06-25 13:34:50+00:00 CET

Steven French

One of my pieces of flash fiction - Threatening Weather - just appeared at Tabi’s Flash Tuesdays:


2024-06-25 12:39:06+00:00 CET

Ron McClamrock

From McSweeney's: ChatGPT Now Has PhD-Level Intelligence, and the Poor Personal Choices to Prove It mcsweeneys.net/articles/chatgp

2024-06-25 14:16:11+00:00 CET

Philipp Steinkrüger

Noch ein Aspekt der #HRK Nomenklatur:

Viel Spass dabei, sich von einer als "Academic Manager" bezeichneten Stelle auf eine Professur zu bewerben. Da wird man direkt als "Verwaltung" abgestempelt werden.

@tschfflr @felwert @sebgiessmann @OliverCzulo


2024-06-25 15:23:24+00:00 CET

Category: Most Favourites


Technical debt you accrue from …*squint … running your editor. b.tuxes.uk/avoiding-emacs-bank

2024-06-24 20:15:56+00:00 CET

Philipp Steinkrüger


Eine weitere Frage, die sich mir direkt aufgedrängt hat: warum ist jemand, der selbstständig an einer Universität lehrt und selbstständig forscht, kein Professor?

Warum einen neuen Sonderweg in der Nomenklatur einschlagen, anstelle einfach auf das international verbreitete Assistant, Associate, Full Professor umzustellen?

@DrKEichhorn @SebastianK

2024-06-25 08:48:38+00:00 CET

Anthony Dardis

2024-06-25 11:39:13+00:00 CET

Category: Most replies

clint verdonschot

2024-06-24 22:00:44+00:00 CET

Philosophy Blogs

Daily Nous || Misinformation Mistakes (guest post)


2024-06-25 10:00:32.590000+00:00 CET

Thomas Hodgson

@go_shrumm I have a question about what Adorno had in mind. One possibility that occurs to me is that there is no right or wrong without a judgement (which only an agent can do). Another possibility is that there is no right or wrong without some connections between words and the world. The latter is a claim about sentences rather than judgements. Or is it something else?

2024-06-25 10:01:15+00:00 CET

Section 2. Whole timeline (both people the bot followers and people they boost

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs and favourites

Rich Puchalsky ⩜⃝

the sickest burns are also completely accurate

2024-06-24 20:15:20+00:00 CET


“Bankruptcy court trustee planning to shut down conspiracy theorist #AlexJones’ Infowars media platform & liquidate its assets to help pay $1.5 bil in lawsuit judgments Jones owes for repeatedly calling Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting a hoax.

In “emergency” motion filed Sun in Houston, trustee Christopher Murray indic publicly for 1st time he intends to “conduct an orderly wind-down” of the operations of Infowars’ parent company and “liquidate its inventory.”

2024-06-24 22:06:19+00:00 CET

Rolf Oldejans

2024-06-23 11:57:35+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs by the group of people the bot follows

European Commission

Apple’s new slogan should be “act different.”

Today, we informed Apple of our preliminary view that its App Store rules are in breach of the Digital Markets Act, as they prevent app developers from freely steering consumers to alternative channels for offers and content.

We also opened a new non-compliance procedure over concerns that its new contractual requirements for third-party app developers and app stores fall short of ensuring effective #DMA compliance.

ℹ️ europa.eu/!jPPcTV


2024-06-24 09:23:40+00:00 CET


Fördergeld-Affäre im Bildungsministerium: Weitere Mails aufgetaucht

In der Fördergeld-Affäre liegen Panorama und FragDenStaat weitere Mailverläufe aus dem Bildungsministerium vor. Demnach wurden dort offenbar Namenslisten mit Hochschullehrenden erstellt, die nicht auf derselben politischen Linie sind.

➡️ tagesschau.de/investigativ/pan

#StarkWatzinger #BMBF #Fördergelder

2024-06-24 15:39:03+00:00 CET


Fuck Zeno of Tarsus (fl. 200 BC)

2024-06-25 10:00:08.274000+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most favourites by the group of people the bot follows

Notícias Brasil

2024-06-25 01:34:55+00:00 CET

Ԏєηυкι, 手抜き🚀🐧♏🔭

#20Books Challange about books that formed my life (youth). Cover only, no review or deeper understanding.

2024-06-25 04:30:23+00:00 CET

European Commission

Today the EU opens accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova.

We stand at the threshold of a key moment for these two countries. Together, we can forge a larger and forward-looking Europe.

The path ahead will be challenging but also filled with immense opportunities.

Read the full message by President von der Leyen 🔗 europa.eu/!Xvc87j


2024-06-25 09:47:21+00:00 CET