ICYMI (Philosophy) Daily Digest report

Boosts between 2024-06-17 00:00:43 and 2024-06-17 18:01:28
Total boosts: 33

7-day rolling daily digests index here.

Section 1. Only posts from the people the bot follows

Category: Most reblogs and favourites

Kent Pitman

Humans have A/C
To ease stress in deadly heat.
Food crops sadly don't.

#haiku #senryu #ShortPoem #SmallPoem #climate #heat #ExtremeHeat #AirConditioning #famine #collapse #CropFailures #FoodSecurity

2024-06-16 20:48:51+00:00 CET

apraxique ⏚

Sinon y avait du monde et c'était bien.

Alt : deux photos de la foule vue de dos dans les rues de Caen.

2024-06-16 19:27:00+00:00 CET

apraxique ⏚

Je suis allé à la manif aujourd'hui et je me demande si y a d'autres personnes que moi qui ont le bâtiment où ils travaillent sur un sticker antifa. On devine même mon bureau 😅 (faut que je m'en procure)

2024-06-16 19:23:11+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

A new crop of five kittens at Almost Home Cat Rescue, along with with a few adult new arrivals. Marla, Bitsy, and Homer still there too. Spent a lot of time giving pets, playing, and cuddling

2024-06-16 19:47:22+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

Here's a Sadler's Lectures podcast episode focusing on the second of the "sketches" of what Albert Camus calls an "ethics of quantity" in part 2 of the Myth of Sisyphus, this one focusing on drama, the stage, & the actor

#Podcast #Camus #Philosophy #Ethics #Absurd #Existentialism

2024-06-16 17:08:26+00:00 CET

guLome Braillard ( ♮ )

Plutôt le Front Populaire
Que Hitler !

#frontpopulaire #frontpopulaire2024 #NFP

2024-06-16 16:23:48+00:00 CET

Jason Read

My conversation with Michael Hardt about my book The Double Shift: Spinoza and Marx on the Politics of Work has been posted online.

2024-06-17 01:23:18+00:00 CET

Mathijs van de Sande :antifa:

TODAY: Another Situating Palestine lecture at Radboud University by Prof. Santiago Slabodski, titled: "Interrogating Colonial Fabrications: Palestine/Israel and the Muslim-Jewish 'Eternal' Enmity." Open to all.

Monday 17 June, 12:30-14:00, CC5 (Mercatorpad 1, Nijmegen)

2024-06-17 06:33:06+00:00 CET

Norbert Engemaier

#AllesIstParkplatz nervt. Wenn statt minimaler Einschränkungen für den PKW-Verkehr oder der freien Einfahrt der Gehweg in voller Breite blockiert wird, fehlt mir echt jedes Verständnis.

2024-06-17 06:26:10+00:00 CET

Hady Ba

"Yancey also needed to complete graduation requirements not asked of other seniors, who were also exempt from taking final exams."

2024-06-17 07:37:57+00:00 CET

Philosophy Blogs

Daily Nous || Santoni De Sio from Delft to Eindhoven


2024-06-17 10:00:32.284000+00:00 CET

Lisa Bortolotti

It is coming in 2025! Ema Sullivan-Bissett has created a new incredible resource for philosophers interested in delusions (38 chapters!), and I am so excited to be part of it routledge.com/The-Routledge-Ha

2024-06-17 10:19:49+00:00 CET

Sylvia Wenmackers 🦉🍀

Years of bigger dreams
small nymph in bright cool water
one day you may fly

For @StrepsipZerg's
#AquaArthroPoemWeek #mayfly #haiku

2024-06-17 11:38:51+00:00 CET

Kent Pitman

It is pointless and counterproductive to put warning labels on social media. Not only will it create warning fatigue, but it'll increase tribal division. Republicans hate such paternalism and it'll be an in-your-face reminder, fueling pointless tribalism.

Find a better way than warning labels, which are too static and too blunt.

Social media is ill-defined and little more than online group communication. It was a key survival mechanism during the peak of the covid pandemic. Is Slack social media? Is Zoom? Are protocol-based tools like web browsers, email (including "listserv" and the like), and Mastodon that are based on SMTP, HTTP, ActivityPub, etc?

There is a risk that the differences between platform-based and protocol-based tech will seem a mere quibble. But look for a parallel in how the discussion went in SCOTUS recently over bump stocks and whether guns equipped with them fell under certain legislative requirements.

Unlike smoking, where the cause of harm is known and measurable, problems in social media arise from specific rules, capabilities, tools, algorithms, monetization plans, and prevailing social attitudes. Would a warning label fairly acknowledge deeply substantive differences? How?

Social media is just life by networked, electronic means. Life does have risks. Would we require warning labels on the front door of a house? Such coarse and ineffective micromanagement sparks tribalism in our society. They'll say that's coming next. Please don't give them ammo.

The details of social media matter a great deal and are worthy of study. But the right answer to everything it's not a static one-size-fits-all warning label. What will be learned will not be caution, it will be to not bother reading meaningless labels.

Let's encourage, even fund, robust public dialog using many metrics, even competing ones, for studying and reporting effects and risks of specific aspects and actions. But social media itself is too broad, vague and integrated to warn against as a whole. That horse has left the barn.


#SurgeonGeneral #WarningLabels #SocialMedia #politics #paternalism #tribalism #mastodon #http #smtp #scotus #Covid #pandemic #ActivityPub

Note: This essay is an approximate mirror of a rant I posted as a thread on the ex-bird site a while ago today. I did light editing to rework it for this forum. It still reads a bit funny with the paragraphs now unpacked into a coherent whole, but I'm not gonna bother to fix that.

2024-06-17 15:35:25+00:00 CET


We are excited to announce the launch of MIRAI mirai.systems your go-to platform for #Responsible #AI solutions!

MIRAI is a spin-off from the the Department of Philosophy at the University of Milan , in collaboration with Wazabit Soc Coop and Davide Posillipo. Get in touch!


2024-06-17 10:43:39+00:00 CET

Category: Most Favourites

Christian Ströbele

Jan-Heiner Tück, Die russisch-orthodoxe Kirche auf Abwegen, "Um der Kriegspolitik des Kreml theologische Weihen zu geben, bemüht die russisch-orthodoxe Kirche neuerdings das sperrige Motiv des „Katechon“...", in Die Presse 3.6. diepresse.com/18527019/die-rus (sehe ich gerade eben erst)

2024-06-17 07:53:12+00:00 CET

Domingos Faria

2024-06-17 15:01:02+00:00 CET

Category: Most replies

Critical Theory in Berlin

For those who want to get in the mood for the Benjamin Lectures, Lea Ypi & Catherine Newmark have recorded an excellent discussion for Deutschlandfunk Kultur about freedom & morality, Kant & socialism - subjects that she will definitely expand on in her lectures!
English version: deutschlandfunkkultur.de/lea-y
German version: deutschlandfunkkultur.de/lea-y

2024-06-17 09:02:29+00:00 CET

Critical Theory in Berlin

🗓️ Save the Date: On July 3rd, the newest edition of our Critical Theory Roundtable will take place at Uferstudios! Our guests will discuss fundamental questions about the social character of the economy.
More info: criticaltheoryinberlin.de/even

2024-06-17 15:29:57+00:00 CET

Section 2. Whole timeline (both people the bot followers and people they boost

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs and favourites

Kai Jansson

In vier Monaten endet die Petition zur Einführung einer europäischen Vermögenssteuer. 212.000 (Ziel: 1 Mio.) Unterschriften in sechs Monaten, europaweit. Ernsthaft? Liegt wohl auch daran, dass Medien darüber nicht berichten, oder
@ndaktuell ?
#medien #gesellschaft #taxtherich #petition

2024-06-15 07:05:17+00:00 CET

Frau Mensch 😷

"Machen wir einen Strich unter die Zukunft und wenden uns der Vergangenheit zu."
(Til Mette, 2024)

2024-06-16 15:10:09+00:00 CET

Wolfgang Lucht

🔥🔥Fantastic news!
The EU has finally, finally passed the Nature Restoration Law, after Austria and Slovakia changed course to agree in the Council, creating a slim majority of 20 countries with 66% of the population.

👉 One cannot overemphasize how important this is. Already watered down a lot, it is absolutely critical for giving the ecological integrity of Europe a fighting chance. 👈

2024-06-17 09:47:16+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs by the group of people the bot follows

FOSS Android :verified_twtr:

Secure social sharing for friends and families

Circles is an end-to-end encrypted social network app built on #Matrix. It enables friends and families to securely share stories and photos while safeguarding their security and privacy.

Download: f-droid.org/en/packages/org.fu

#FOSS #Android #OpenSource #Privacy #SocialMedia #family #Security #circles

2024-06-16 08:32:49+00:00 CET



Tuta Mail's #Google Ranking Mysteriously Restored After Announcement to Take Legal Actions

Read more:
👉 tuta.com/blog/unchecked-power-

2024-06-17 09:27:40+00:00 CET


🫵 "Aktive Rollen für Studierende in großen Philosophie-Seminaren"
💥 von Tanja Rechnitzer (Hannover)
👉 jetzt auf lehrgut.org

2024-06-17 12:08:57+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most favourites by the group of people the bot follows

Erik Dunham

2024-06-16 15:45:44+00:00 CET

dghd — Hochschuldidaktik

2024-06-17 05:09:19+00:00 CET

AG Digitale Geschichte

DH-Interessierte aufgepasst! Wir möchten auf eine Stellenausschreibung hinweisen. Das Institut für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden in Hamburg sucht technische Unterstützung bei der Webentwicklung: 👉 igdj-hh.de/aktuelles/aktuelle-

2024-06-11 05:43:26+00:00 CET