ICYMI (Philosophy) Daily Digest report

Boosts between 2024-05-25 00:00:36 and 2024-05-25 18:02:07
Total boosts: 36

7-day rolling daily digests index here.

Section 1. Only posts from the people the bot follows

Category: Most reblogs and favourites


A popular tool for reconciliation is "Open Refine". This blog post gives a very nice introduction to how this tool can be used for linking names and identifiers (and it also concerns places!): dhlab.hypotheses.org/4703 3/

2024-05-24 16:43:00+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

All too often the case in the present job market

2024-05-24 18:09:35+00:00 CET


However, you can also use Python to achieve the same aim. This notebook shows Python code that automatically retrieves identifiers for places from the API of the CERL thesaurus (data.cerl.org/thesaurus) - a very helpful tool in our context, because, as you can imagine, many place names in early modern prints are in Latin and CERL has excellent coverage in this area (thanks for the tip @anwagnerdreas). gitlab.com/shessbru/early-mode

2024-05-24 16:48:24+00:00 CET


Let's talk about reconciliation. In the #DigitalHumanities we use this term for the process of linking several names of one and the same thing to a unique label. Ideally, this label is machine-readable as well. #EMFrenchdiss 1/

2024-05-24 16:40:14+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

Here’s an excellent article about important lawsuits just filed on behalf of Uvalde families who lost loved ones to a mass shooting there. The families, represented by the same attorney who represented the Sandy Hook families, are suing Daniel Defense, the maker of the AR-15 used by the shooter, as well as the publisher of Call of Duty video games and Meta. (I am quoted in the story.) wapo.st/3R1Y9LA #LawFedi #GunViolence

2024-05-25 03:27:37+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

I’m now reading the complaint in Rubio v. Daniel Defense, the suit filed today in Uvalde County (Texas) District Court, by the families whose loved ones were killed by a mass shooter using an AR-15 made and marketed by Daniel Defense. Sharing observations as I read. #LawFedi #GunViolence 2/

2024-05-25 03:49:57+00:00 CET

P.D. Magnus


My paper On trusting chatbots— a paper on trusting chatbots— has been accepted at Episteme.

Abstract: This paper focuses on the epistemic situation one faces when using a chatbot like ChatGPT: When reading the output of the chatbot, how should one decide whether or not to believe it? By surveying strategies we use with other, more familiar sources of information, I argue that chatbots pr…


#LinkDump #ai #MyWriting

2024-05-24 17:44:46+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

Added a new resource page to my Substack. This one has 33 videos and 33 corresponding podcast episodes covering all the themes, characters, and plot points from Ursula K Leguin's Earthsea trilogy
#Video #Podcast #Leguin #Earthsea #Magic #Fantasy #Resources

2024-05-25 00:28:21+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

The shooter in the Uvalde mass killing was 17 when he added the Daniel Defense AR-15 model DDM4v7 to an online shopping cart. He did not complete the purchase. Daniel Defense then sent him a targeted email, calling him by name, and encouraging him to get “off the fence”. The email supplied a hyperlink to take him back to the cart to complete the purchase. 6/

2024-05-25 04:12:24+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

At the heart of the complaint is Daniel Defense’s financial need to sell more and more AR-15s, the product line it specializes in. To grow the market for its products, the complaint explains, Daniel Defense targets underage teens specifically, to “cultivate brand loyalty in teenagers before they turn 18, to hook and reel in a steady stream of new potential customers from the millions of teens scrolling Instagram and cosplaying soldier in Call of Duty.” 5/

2024-05-25 04:06:31+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

Daniel Defense, the complaint alleges, courts adolescent boys who are socially isolated, hooked on Call of Duty, and struggling with masculinity - the all too familiar profile of school shooters. It spends heavily on marketing to ensure that its expensive AR-15 is the weapon of choice for 18 year old males. 10/

2024-05-25 04:33:03+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

“On May 16, 2022, the day the [Uvalde] Shooter purchased his Daniel Defense DDM4v7, Daniel Defense posted a social media advertisement showing a toddler holding a Daniel Defense AR-15 and a quote from Proverbs 22:6, “[t]rain up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. 🙏” 12/

2024-05-25 04:46:54+00:00 CET

Ingo Schramm

Taktisch ist die Forderung nach der 4-Tage-Woche vielleicht nicht der beste Weg.

Wir sollten die 3-Tage-Woche fordern, um Raum für Kompromisse zu lassen.

Dann können diese #FDP usw. sich loben lassen hinterher: uff, das Schlimmste verhindert.

#gewerkschaft #arbeit #worklifebalace #viertagewoche

2024-05-25 08:51:06+00:00 CET


Tomorrow is the beginning of a new semester! I’m really excited to be teaching cultural #evolution again. Now is your chance to suggest a cool or exciting example of cultural evolution that I may have overlooked so that I can talk about it in class! #cultevo #philbio @philbio @philosophyofscience

2024-05-25 10:37:26+00:00 CET

Dr Robert N. Winter

One I read elsewhere…

English weather is wet
German weather is Wetter

English kids are kind
German kids are Kinder

English mothers mumble
German mothers Mutter

The English shout the word people
But Germans just quietly Menschen it

And English sausages can be bad
But a German sausage is the Wurst

#Humour #Language

2024-05-25 12:12:45+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

Going to lead a class session shortly on Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics book 5, then have some lunch, & after that I'll be welcoming new arrivals at Almost Home Cat Rescue, hanging out with and socializing new cats that will reside at the shelter until adoption! Pics will follow

2024-05-25 14:47:03+00:00 CET

Category: Most Favourites


Mas que loucura!! Essa Tebet tá de sabotagem descarada, só pode. Manda embora!


2024-05-25 02:18:06+00:00 CET

Philosophy Blogs

History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences || Recent publications in the history and philosophy of the language sciences – May 2024


2024-05-25 10:00:29.878000+00:00 CET

Michael Cuffaro

Here is the correct link to the paper I posted yesterday: doi.org/10.31389/pop.90

2024-05-25 13:20:29+00:00 CET

Category: Most replies

Heidi Li Feldman

In order to bring suit without running afoul of the federal Protection of Lawful Commerce Act, the complaint specifies that Daniel Defense violated a Texas criminal statute prohibiting sale or transfer of a firearm to anybody under the age of 18. This distinguishes this suit from others, in other states, alleging firearms manufacturers have used sales and marketing tactics that violate consumer protection or public nuisance statutes. 3/

2024-05-25 03:59:30+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

The complaint is 122 pages long, so bear with me! 4/

2024-05-25 04:01:30+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

Another criticism that the academic skeptics make of the Epicurean position in Cicero's On The Nature Of The Gods bears on their contention that the gods must have human-like forms. Here's a core concept video examining that!

#Video #Philosophy #Epicurean #Gods #Anthropomorphism #Argument #Divinity #Skepticism

2024-05-25 14:07:01+00:00 CET

Section 2. Whole timeline (both people the bot followers and people they boost

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs and favourites

Die Furie

Die Nazi-Sackwürste auf Sylt, im Allgäu oder in Sachsen sind vielleicht laut & (besoffen) stark, aber eines haben sie nicht in der Hand:

Wo wir unser Kreuz machen!

Deshalb: Bitte geht wählen!
Jede Stimme zählt!

Karikatur: @schwarwel

2024-05-24 18:08:03+00:00 CET

Kevin Beaumont

Copilot+ Recall has been enabled by default globally in Microsoft Intune managed users, for businesses.

You need to enable DisableAIDataAnalysis to switch it off. learn.microsoft.com/en-us/wind

2024-05-22 11:11:08+00:00 CET

Cats of Yore

2024-05-19 18:45:08+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs by the group of people the bot follows


Fuck Robert Kilwardby (1215–1279)

2024-05-23 22:00:03.961000+00:00 CET

Kevin Beaumont

Two quick updates -

A) if you disallow recording of a website in Control Panel or GPO, in Chrome it is still recorded - disallow recording only works in Edge browser

B) Firefox and Tor Browser is recorded always, including in private mode - the exception is Hollywood DRM’d videos

2024-05-22 19:28:21+00:00 CET


"Hallo, wir sind die CDU und uns gefällt das Ergebnis unserer komplett frei zugänglichen Umfrage nicht, die leider unsere rechte Bubble verlassen hat, daher sagen wir jetzt, die sei manipuliert worden, weil Trump würde das auch so machen und Demokratie ist eh überbewertet."

2024-05-25 11:53:00+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most favourites by the group of people the bot follows

Axel ⌨🐧🐪🚴😷 | R.I.P Natenom

2024-05-24 20:06:51+00:00 CET

Mythic Beasts

Another large language model scraper blocked. This graph is from a site which runs a tool generating answers for people doing important research work. The AI scraper sent hundreds of thousands of lookup requests evading rate limits by using about a thousand IPs and pinned multiple webservers at 100% CPU (graph from one attached). This is a massive waste of electricity to train a hallucination machine.

2024-05-24 10:26:42+00:00 CET

Der Geist aus dem Gerät

@b_damei Wir dürfen am besten gar nicht abstimmen! Das dürfen nur "Ja Sager"! So ist das in der Unions Demokratie. Wer dagegen stimmt, manipuliert! Bild auch in Arbeit zur Abschaltung! 😂
Ich lach mich nur noch schlapp. Danke an alle, und weiter voten!

2024-05-25 12:20:59+00:00 CET