ICYMI (Philosophy) Daily Digest report

Boosts between 2024-04-27 00:03:48 and 2024-04-27 12:04:10
Total boosts: 27

7-day rolling daily digests index here.

Section 1. Only posts from the people the bot follows

Category: Most reblogs and favourites

Amrei Bahr

VERY happy to announce this:

#IchBinHanna in Oxford! 🤩🙌

👩‍🎓I’ll give a lecture about #WomenInAcademia and the challenges they face at Linacre College on 30 May, 5.30 pm.

đź“ť Registration is free, see link below!


2024-04-26 16:35:17+00:00 CET

Nino Kadic

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, I have to say – good job! 👍🏻

#ubuntu #linux #foss #Ubuntu2404

2024-04-26 14:11:28+00:00 CET

Nino Kadic

@dcm My favourite customisation platform is actually XFCE, but I'd never use it daily on recent hardware haha

2024-04-26 14:54:53+00:00 CET

Dimitri Coelho Mollo

@ninokadic oh, definitely, I think the last time I used Windows (except for when some coercion was involved) was 15 or so years ago! :)

It's just that there are so many great features that one is hard-pressed to decide between the different workflows they enable. (I'm prone to customisation rabbit-holes :)

2024-04-26 14:53:14+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

Am lamenting anew the refusal by Biden to support Supreme Court reform when Democrats controlled the House and Senate and could have expanded the Court, neutralizing the power of demonstrably corrupt Justice Thomas and the justices appointed after Mitch McConnell illegitimately refused to advance Obama’s nominee to the seat that went eventually to Gorsuch. Elected Democrats must take foundational measures if we are to preserve any sort of meaningful democracy in America. #LawFedi 1/

2024-04-26 22:07:10+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

To accomplish Supreme Court reform, Senate Democrats in Congress should have modified the filibuster rules or eliminated filibuster altogether. #LawFedi 2/

2024-04-26 22:16:45+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

Schumer and Biden might or might not have been able to bring Manchin and Sinema along, but that was never even a possibility unless Biden made clear he was seriously committed to Supreme Court reform. Biden’s institutionalism made him too conservative on this, and other serious democracy-enhancing measures, such as electoral votes for the District of Columbia. 4/

2024-04-26 22:31:51+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

Biden removed their incentive to do this by indicating he was not prepared to support Supreme Court reform. 3/

2024-04-26 22:19:35+00:00 CET

Matt Brown

All college/university presidents who called the cops on their students should resign or be fired immediately.

2024-04-27 00:15:46+00:00 CET

Victor Gijsbers

Religious claims would be far more believable if their adherents were doing the morally right things.

But usually, quite the opposite.

I know there are great and admirable religious thinkers, but it really feels as if every moral advance is opposed by the established religions, and usually in the most stupid way imaginable.

Which proves that God does not exist?

2024-04-26 23:37:55+00:00 CET

Sunflower Björnskalle 🌻

2024-04-26 14:41:50+00:00 CET

Luciano Floridi

Our paper “Human Control of AI Systems: from Supervision to Teaming” is freely available @SSRN papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cf

2024-04-27 06:54:18+00:00 CET

Category: Most Favourites

Nino Kadic

@dcm I think, at this point, all of them are good enough for daily use. I use Gnome because I like how it works with touchscreens, but Pop shell is really nice too!

2024-04-26 14:48:52+00:00 CET


2024-04-26 19:45:15+00:00 CET

Nick Byrd

Do we need more #autonomousVehicles on roads to train autonomous systems?

I doubt it.

*Human-driven* cars can do #machineLearning at least as well as machine-driven cars (by comparing machine’s input and expected outcome with human’s input and actual outcome).

Has #AI research already shown this?

2024-04-26 13:09:01+00:00 CET

Category: Most replies

Preston Werner

In philosophy, we talk about the complicated semantics of sentences with 'generic' form - that is, instead of "All A are B" or "Some A are B", "As are Bs".
Generic sentences are not universal statements. A generic statement can be true even if it is not universally true, like "Tigers have four legs" or "Mosquitos transmit malaria."
On the other hand, they are not just statements made true by one or a few instances, as shown by a case like "Americans live in New York City".

How to understand the truth-conditions for generics is an open question, but it seems to have something to do with appealing to some kind of intrinsic essential connection between the subject and the predicate.
So "ducks lay eggs" is true, even though only 50% or so of the ducks do that, because it is in some sense 'of their biological nature'.


2024-04-26 19:07:42+00:00 CET

Heidi Li Feldman

As many of you know already, I am especially interested in the use of #consumerProtection statutes to ground suits against irresponsible sales and marketing by member of the gun industry. In #WashingtonState, the state legislature and state AG #BobFerguson have been using this approach to deal with large capacity magazines. 1/2 #LawFedi #gunViolence #ConsumerProtection

2024-04-26 23:35:18+00:00 CET

Damon Young

Hey @liamvhogan, can you tell me about the two different surfaces on these bricks, e.g. pitted and not?

2024-04-27 04:12:01+00:00 CET

Section 2. Whole timeline (both people the bot followers and people they boost

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs and favourites


Found in the social media intertubes:

2024-04-26 16:32:07+00:00 CET

Steve Herman

(JTA) - Israeli police arrest seven rabbis and activists, including Ayelet Waldman, a Jewish American author, as they tried to cross into the Gaza Strip with a symbolic delivery of food. jta.org/2024/04/26/israel/isra

2024-04-26 21:07:08+00:00 CET

Dr. Elizabeth Sawin✨

It may be that the college students, who learned in elementary school that the government wouldn't keep them safe from shooters or keep them safe from a pandemic or hand them a livable climate, also learned that they keep each other safe, and that no change is scarier than change. May clarity and courage be contagious.

2024-04-26 12:36:46+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs by the group of people the bot follows

Titus Stahl

I am looking for an MA student (from the U of Groningen or another Dutch uni) for a #research #internship on the topic of the #privacy implications of smart doorbells (mainly from a philosophical/ethical perspective), working together with the municipality of #Groningen – it will involve philosophical research, but perhaps also citizen engagement and may have direct #policy implications. Please get in touch with me via email for details if you are interested!

#philosophy #privacytheory

2024-04-12 09:49:07+00:00 CET

Lisa Bortolotti

A new video has landed in The Philosophy Garden. Jeremy Williams introduces us to the Owls' Parliament and asks whether we can have respectful disagreement when we do not share the same values: youtu.be/NbXIF3GbpIk @philosophy #P4C #philosophyforeveryone

2024-04-26 14:40:33+00:00 CET

Domingos Faria

2024-04-26 23:11:02+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most favourites by the group of people the bot follows

Nino Kadic

@dcm No worries, hope you enjoy it! :))

2024-04-26 14:43:38+00:00 CET

Dan Reynolds

The Deutsches Technikmuseum in Berlin has the steel punches for typefaces made for Decker’s printing house, the Reichsdruckerei, and the Prussian Academy of Sciences. Today, it published photos of all the punch-storing drawers from one of its two large cabinets. The photos are published with a CC0 licenses, so you may download and use them for anything. Thanks to all the staff there who made this possible!

2024-04-26 10:54:04+00:00 CET

Engelbert :autism:

Grazer Unis bitten Gamer bei der Lösung eines archäologischen Rätsels um Hilfe
Bis heute ist es nicht gelungen die Bruchstücke der Marmorplatte einer frühchristlichen Kirche in Osttirol zusammenzusetzen. Ein Puzzle-Game soll das Rätsel lösen

Hier gehts zum Puzzle -> openreassembly.cgv.tugraz.at/


2024-04-25 11:08:35+00:00 CET