ICYMI (Philosophy) Daily Digest report

Boosts between 2024-04-18 00:00:42 and 2024-04-18 18:02:14
Total boosts: 36

7-day rolling daily digests index here.

Section 1. Only posts from the people the bot follows

Category: Most reblogs and favourites

Nicole des Bouvrie

I think I have now bought more patterns than I can ever knit.... but this one is going to top of my queue... for my kids, with choose-your-own-motifs, which I hope will make for many sweaters over the years...

My eldest requested one in pink with pink. So that will call for a trip to the yarn store soon! 3x100 fingering, so seems doable.

There is also an adult version, BTW.

Link: (Ravelry) ravelry.com/patterns/library/c


2024-04-17 15:53:08+00:00 CET

Steven French

Lübeck harbour

2024-04-17 19:39:57+00:00 CET

Irish Philosophy

2024-04-17 19:23:56+00:00 CET

Victor Gijsbers

Ik had gewoon wat muziek voor mezelf opgezet, kwam de 5-jarige ineens naar beneden, pakte mijn telefoon, zette de lyrics-functie van Spotify aan, en begon mee te zingen... met het nummer "JE HAAT GEEN MAANDAG JE HAAT KAPITALISME" van Hang Youth. Het blijkt een grote hit bij haar.

"We gingen met zijn allen muziek luisteren bij de BSO," vertelde de 8-jarige me net. "En toen heb ik voor mijn zusje maar dat nummer over 'je haat geen maandag' opgezet."


2024-04-17 16:34:19+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

It's always cool to see the work my students at Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design have produced as their senior thesis projects. Here are pics of the projects by Brady Vanderhart, Cyprien Morin, Dante McCabe, and Emory Kaveckis!
Here are their websites:

2024-04-18 00:34:59+00:00 CET

Domingos Faria

Aprender a filosofar no ensino secundário: orientações curriculares e didáticas para integração do pensamento crítico ria.ua.pt/handle/10773/41550 social.dfaria.eu/?hashtag=2024

2024-04-17 22:59:02+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

Here is the third and last of the new core concept videos on Frantz Fanon's work Black Skin White Masks, which students in my online Existentialism class will be studying next week!

#Video #Fanon #Race #Existentialism #Psychoanalysis #Philosophy #Ethics

2024-04-17 19:33:13+00:00 CET

Domingos Faria

FLUP - FLUP | Concurso para atribuição de 4 Bolsas de Investigação (BI) para estudantes de mestrado | Ensino de Filosofia (Ref. 2024/14, no. 123): sigarra.up.pt/flup/pt/noticias social.dfaria.eu/?hashtag=2024

2024-04-17 22:51:02+00:00 CET

Imperfect Cognitions

On the blog today, Henry Taylor discusses whether robots can be cultured and respond to different norms 🤔 @philosophy #philosophy


2024-04-18 07:00:11+00:00 CET

Sylvia Wenmackers 🦉🍀

@philippsteinkrueger Cool question! I found that for SARS-CoV-2, an "infected person carries an estimated 1 billion to 100 billion virions during peak infection" ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/. Going with the upper end here, so 10^11, that's still 4 orders of magnitude smaller than hundreds of trillions (~10^15).
So, an active viral infection adds less than 0.1% to your body's virus particle count.

2024-04-18 08:21:06+00:00 CET

Philosophical Psychology

Latest papers: Derick Hughes offers an interpersonal view of modesty that requires an emotional disposition sensitive to causing others offense based upon one’s self-presentation doi.org/10.1080/09515089.2024. @philosophy #philosophy

2024-04-18 10:00:04+00:00 CET

Victor Gijsbers

New video on John McDowell's article with the pithy title "The Disjunctive Conception of Experience as Material for a Transcendental Argument". (He forgot to add: "... against External World Skepticism". 😎 )


#philosophy #perception #McDowell

2024-04-18 07:27:04+00:00 CET

Rudy Garns

A couple of Blue-winged teal. #birds #photography

2024-04-18 11:33:20+00:00 CET

Sylvia Wenmackers 🦉🍀

The conference was in Shanghai and after that we visited Beijing. The second photo is pretty epic. @DannyVanpoucke 2/3

2024-04-18 14:27:05+00:00 CET

Lisa Bortolotti

What are the risks of digital inequality? Merten Reglitz explores the issue for Dazed, and in our wonderful video, The Tortoise and the Hare at the Philosophy Garden #internet dazeddigital.com/life-culture/ @philosophy

2024-04-18 14:00:10+00:00 CET

Preston Werner

Third Update:
Dr. Shalhoub-Kevorkian, my colleague at Hebrew University, has been arrested for "incitement" for the comments mentioned earlier in this thread.

The fascist (and I am saying this literally, not as an exaggerated insult) Itamar Ben-Gvir, Minister of National Security, has released a statement praising the arrest.

2024-04-18 15:26:58+00:00 CET

Category: Most Favourites

Domingos Faria

🎵 Por que não tentar outro ponto de vista? A história dos outros, quem a contará? 🎵 youtu.be/OVxt9X3VIHI social.dfaria.eu/?hashtag=2024

2024-04-17 22:16:03+00:00 CET

Philosophy Blogs

2024-04-18 10:00:40.024000+00:00 CET

Gregory B Sadler

I've produced another video calling out ten commonly and uncritically shared fake quotes, this one of passages misattributed to Voltaire

#Voltaire #FakeQuotes #Religion #FreeSpeech #Freedom #Power #Maxims #Sayings #Misattributions #Video #Philosophy

2024-04-18 15:14:19+00:00 CET

Category: Most replies

Luciano Floridi

2024-04-17 22:28:17+00:00 CET

Philosophy Blogs

Feminist History of Philosophy || Two books on women in the history of philosophy reviewed in London Review of Books


2024-04-18 10:00:44.943000+00:00 CET

Sylvia Wenmackers 🦉🍀

Our university's student paper has a series on professors with a creative hobby. Yesterday, they interviewed me about #drawing. I showed them some of my recent sketches, but here I would like to share some old ones.
In 2008, when I still took planes, I went to China for a conference and some holidays with @DannyVanpoucke. He took some photos of me while I was drawing in our travel journal. This is the first time I actually combined his photos with these sketches. 1/3

2024-04-18 14:18:00+00:00 CET

Section 2. Whole timeline (both people the bot followers and people they boost

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs and favourites

Mo 👩‍💻


A slightly different viewpoint today, this is the top of Goðafoss waterfall in Þingeyjarsveit, north-eastern #Iceland. Water from the Skjálfandafljót river falls from a height of ≈ 12m (40ft) over a width of ≈ 30m (100ft) in four separate drops.

This is a view from the west bank, overlooking the crest of all four.

Please read the ALT tag for more...

#DailyPhoto #WeatherPhotography #LandscapePhotography

2024-04-17 08:53:07+00:00 CET

The Flight Attendant

2023-04-15 22:39:39+00:00 CET


This month it’s Ghana, Bangladesh, and Mauritius.

2024-04-15 19:06:19+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most reblogs by the group of people the bot follows

Jamison Foser

I can't believe I had to write about The New York Times and Chris Rufo again. findinggravity.net/p/the-new-y

2024-04-17 23:19:00+00:00 CET

Dr. jonny phd

Every time I see any story about how fucked scholarly communication is my first reaction is a) yall know you can just make your own websites right, b) yall know you can just review each others work without a journal giving you permission right, and only then do I arrive at c) ok there are systemic problems but seriously have you considered (a) and (b) and how this is all entirely optional

2024-04-18 08:51:35+00:00 CET


I’ve always loved this comic, but now that I have a toddler it’s even better.

2024-04-17 03:30:16+00:00 CET

Category: Posts boosted by the group of people the bot follows with most favourites by the group of people the bot follows

Zhixuan Yang

A new book on type theory has just arrived! I didn't expect it to be this big (it weighs >3.5kg)

2024-04-17 21:24:20+00:00 CET

Philosophy Blogs

New Work in Philosophy || Miguel Ángel Sebastián (National Autonomous University of Mexico) & Manolo Martínez (Universitat de Barcelona), "Gradualism, Bifurcation, and Fading Qualia"


2024-04-18 10:00:33.596000+00:00 CET

Michaela Maya

Bei mir sind es Färbmittel/Pigmente. Bin total fasziniert davon, wie sie entdeckt wurden, wie man sie herstellte und überhaupt die Geschichten hinter den Farbstoffen. Ich mein, wer dachte sich "lass uns mal ein paar Mumien zermörsern und als braune Farbe verkaufen"?! oder "Oh, diese eine Laussorte zerstampfen wir jetzt, das macht ein schönes Rot!". Das sind doch echt teils ziemlich wilde Geschichten. :love:

2024-04-18 11:26:43+00:00 CET